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Bold Steps with Dr Mark Jobe

Air Time Monday-Friday 12:00 PM-12:30 PM

What's on Air?

September 17, 2024

Growth in Community – Part 1

Today on Bold Steps with Mark Jobe, we’ll discover why diversity in our lives is good for us. Pastor Mark is going to explain what it means to be growing in community. It’s a study from the book of Acts. We may think we live in a polarized society right now … but the early church had issues, too, right? We need to recognize these issues of disunity and strive to become one brotherhood in Jesus’ name. Our lesson is called Growth in Community.

Program Details + audio


Bold Step Gift

Loneliness: Don’t Hate It or Waste It. Redeem It.


Don’t Hate It or Waste It. Redeem It.

Steve DeWitt

In today’s society, we’re more connected than ever. So why do so many of us feel so alone? Steve DeWitt’s book, Loneliness, dives deep into this modern paradox, offering Christ-centered hope and practical steps to overcome isolation and use it as an opportunity to grow closer to God.

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*This offer is only available in the U.S.A. and Canada.

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Mark Jobe

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