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What will you choose today?

A man sits in a chair with his hand over his face contemplating a choice.


”You are like who you spend time with”

—Mark Jobe


"Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers.”

Psalm 1:1

Consider with me for a moment how the landscape of America has changed in the last three decades. From smartphones to social media to the internet, technology use has become the norm for communication; church attendance has declined in America with more people attending church a few times a year or less; public sentiment regarding the legalization of marijuana has increased dramatically.

Do you think these changes have increased the level of happiness people feel? If you guessed no, you were correct as researchers have found that happiness is at a five-decade’s low figure with only 14 percent of American adults reporting being very happy. Even with all we have that’s supposedly making our lives better, happiness eludes us like never before.

I believe the key to true happiness isn’t found in living the “good life.” Rather, Psalm 1 paints a different picture of what true, lasting happiness looks like, not the superficial kind that comes and goes but one that is deeper and more joyful. We see the contrast between two kinds of people living two different lives with two very different outcomes, the godly versus the wicked. The blessings that accompany the godly compared to the emptiness of the wicked should make us all want this kind of life that is blessed by God.

Digging deeper, the ideal person God is looking for is known first by what he doesn’t do…walking, standing, sitting in the council of the ungodly. Who we surround ourselves with affects our mental state and well-being. If you’re going to have true happiness, you can’t hang out with people who don’t have God or a worldview that doesn’t include Him otherwise, you’ll be influenced by their thinking, behavior, and culture.

The good news is that all the blessings of Psalm 1 become ours through obedience. In other words, your level of happiness is not a matter of chance, but of choice. What will you choose today?

Listen to the sermon series: The Power of Choices

Part 1Part 2Part 3

Ministry Update from Mark

Tomorrow (April 23rd, 2024) is Moody Bible Institute’s annual Giving Day; a celebration of what God has done in the lives of our alumni and current students since 1886 when D.L. Moody founded this school! I hope you’ll join me and others to hear some amazing stories of how God is using our students and alums for kingdom impact and how you can play an integral role in that! Join me in celebrating God’s faithfulness to Moody at

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Stop Trying: How to Receive—Not Achieve—Your Real Identity

Stop Trying:

How to Receive—Not Achieve—Your Real Identity

by Cary Schmidt

Are you exhausted from constantly trying to prove your worth? Do you feel trapped in a cycle of endless performance, chasing after others’ approval? In his transformative book, Stop Trying, Cary Schmidt reveals a liberating truth: your true identity isn’t something you achieve—it’s something you receive.

Request a Copy with Your Bold Step Gift Today!

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