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Is it one of your goals for the new year to create a spending plan? If so, this segment will give you some tools to get started with Rob West from Faith and Finance Live. Rob will give us some of the best practices for creating a plan and uncover what could be a stumbling block. He'll also tell us about the FaithFi app that can help you achieve your financial goals.
How do you feel about your body, appearance, or weight? Do you think that you'd be happier if you lost some weight or looked like you did 10 or 20 years ago? If you answered yes, you are not alone. According to a Good Housekeeping study, only 6% percent of over 4,200 people say they felt generally happy with their bodies. Author and speaker Heather Creekmore has struggled with her body image. She shares the truths that have set her free, brought healing to her mind, and improved her view of the body God gave her.
Begin each day with Mornings with Seth and Deb, a live and local radio broadcast designed to get you going in the right direction. Heard every weekday from 6 to 9 a.m., hosts Seth Mela and Deb Gustafson will encourage you with Scripture, spark thoughtful conversation on current topics and challenge you to live today for Jesus Christ.