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Mornings with Seth and Deb

Air Time Monday-Friday 6:00 AM-9:00 AM CT
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September 22, 2023

Switch the Subject: A Bible Study Tools Segment with Dr.Jim Coakley

Have you ever been in a conversation where you were looking for any opportunity to switch the subject? Dr. Jim Coakley will be taking us on a discovery of various passages of scripture where a different kind of subject switch is taking place, like going from 3rd person, (he, she, they) to 2nd person, (you). Dr. Coakley will share examples of these switched subjects in Scripture and the key insights they reveal as class is in session on Ken and Deb in the Morning!



Jim Coakley
Jim Coakley

Jim Coakley

James Coakley has taught Bible at Moody Bible Institute for over twenty years in both the Seminary and Undergraduate school. He is married to Gayle and has two adult children and three grandchildren. Jim is a frequent tour leader to Bible lands and a frequent guest on several Moody Radio programs. He contributed to the Moody Bible Commentary and the Moody Handbook of Messianic Prophecy.

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Seth and Deb Mornings

Begin each day with Mornings with Seth and Deb, a live and local radio broadcast designed to get you going in the right direction. Heard every weekday from 6 to 9 a.m., hosts Seth Mela and Deb Gustafson will encourage you with Scripture, spark thoughtful conversation on current topics and challenge you to live today for Jesus Christ.