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Mornings with Seth and Deb

Air Time Monday-Friday 6:00 AM-9:00 AM CT
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September 20, 2023

Hour 1: The 25th Anniversary of the Boundless ministry: A Conversation with Lisa Anderson

Since 1998 countless 20 and 30-year-olds have found community and a place to grow in their relationship with Christ and each other in the Boundless ministry! This Focus on the Family ministry is celebrating 25 years and Ken and Deb highlight this milestone by talking with the Boundless Show's longtime host Lisa Anderson. Lisa will take us on a journey through the history of this ministry, along with sharing some of the unique challenges and the "all in" commitment she is seeing in young adult believers today!


Hour 2: Man Enough to Forgive: A Conversation with John J. Smithbaker

How does our relationship with our earthly father impact our relationship with our Heavenly Father? What if you grew up without your earthly father being active or present in your life? Founder of Fathers in the Field John J. Smithbaker will be offering a message for men who struggle to forgive their absentee, neglectful, or indifferent father. John will affirm the glorious and mission-oriented purpose that God has for men and the critical role forgiveness plays in living this out. 



Lisa Anderson | Boundless
Lisa Anderson | Boundless

Lisa Anderson | Boundless

Lisa Anderson is the director of Boundless and young adults at Focus on the Family and hosts The Boundless Show, a national radio program and podcast. She loves connecting with single young adults and strategizing how to better equip them for life, relationships and a faith that goes the distance; she does not love managing budgets or signing contracts, but realizes that’s part of her job, too. Lisa can often be heard at conferences and on radio and TV, getting worked up about dating, relationships, faith and hip-hop. She grew up in San Jose, California, is a graduate of Trinity International University in Chicago, and spent a good chunk of her life in  media relations before joining Boundless. She runs to counterbalance her love of pastries and chicken tikka masala, and often quotes her mom, who’s known to say outrageous things.   

John J. Smithbaker
John J. Smithbaker

John J. Smithbaker

John J. Smithbaker is an author, speaker, and founder of Fathers in the Field. His passion and focus are to help men recapture their divinely assigned roles of pastor, provider, and protector in the home and church. Before entering full-time ministry, Smithbaker served for 15 years as president and CEO of Brunton Outdoor Group, a leading manufacturer of outdoor adventure products. His is author of "Man Enough to Forgive: Healing the Wounds of Fatherhood Abandonment" and "The Great American Rescue Mission: Reaching and Healing the Fatherless." He is happily married to his wife Tracey and together they have three adult children. 

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Seth and Deb Mornings

Begin each day with Mornings with Seth and Deb, a live and local radio broadcast designed to get you going in the right direction. Heard every weekday from 6 to 9 a.m., hosts Seth Mela and Deb Gustafson will encourage you with Scripture, spark thoughtful conversation on current topics and challenge you to live today for Jesus Christ.