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Chris Fabry Live

Air Time Monday-Friday 3:00 PM-4:00 PM
Call In 877-548-3675

February 08, 2024

Using the Arts in Missions

This week is missions conference at Moody Bible Institute, and you're going to hear from three guests who'll talk about everything from Bible translation to ethnomusicology, as well as the role of the arts in mission work in Africa, Russia, and beyond. How do they see God on the move around the world and how can we be part of His work? Let's talk about it on Chris Fabry Live.

MBI Missions Conference

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Robin Harris
Robin Harris

Robin Harris

Dr. Robin Harris has served for decades in cross-cultural contexts, including 10 years in northern Russia. In addition to serving as chair of Dallas International University’s Center for Excellence in World Arts, she serves as president of the Global Ethnodoxology Network (GEN), a network for arts and mission workers that she helped launch in 2003. She holds an M.A. in ethnomusicology from Bethel University, an M.A. in intercultural studies from Columbia International University, and a Ph.D. in music (ethnomusicology) from the University of Georgia.

James Krabill
James Krabill

James Krabill

Dr. James R. Krabill served in West Africa for 14 years as a Bible and church history teacher among African-initiated churches (AICs) in village settings, Bible institutes, and on theological faculties. He holds an MDiv from Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminary and a Ph.D. from the University of Birmingham in England. He is the author-editor of numerous articles and several books, including, The Hymnody of the Harrist Church (1995), Does Your Church “Smell” Like Mission? (2001), Anabaptists Meeting Muslims, with David Shenk (2003), Is It Insensitive to Share Your Faith? (2005), Mission and Worship for the Global Church (2013), and Unless a Grain of Wheat (2021). Retired from full-time employment after 42 years as a mission worker and administrator with Mennonite Mission Network, he continues to teach around the world.

Mariyam Yohannis
Mariyam Yohannis

Mariyam Yohannis

Mariyam Yohannis is a Scripture engagement specialist, translation advisor, and instructor serving in Ethiopia with Wycliffe Bible Translators. She teaches ethnomusicology/arts and story-based trauma healing workshops with minority language people groups and also teaches at Mekane Yesus Seminary. She has a heart for the Bible-less people of Ethiopia and loves to see people have access to Scripture in their mother tongue. At church, she leads worship and trains others to sing the Scripture using their languages, music, and cultures. Singing is in her blood, and she enjoys praising the Lord in different languages. Mariyam holds degrees from Minnesota’s Northwestern University and Biola University’s linguistics program.

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Chris Fabry

Chris Fabry is the host of Chris Fabry Live on Moody Radio and is the author of more than 80 books. He is a member of the Christy Award Hall of Fame for Christian Fiction. His latest release is Saving Grayson from Focus on the Family. He and his wife live near Tucson, AZ.

Chris Fabry Live

Chris Fabry Live is designed to build up the spiritual immune system of the Christian men and woman. As you walk through the journey of faith called the Christian life, you meet new people, learn new things, laugh, cry and, most importantly, grow in your understanding of God.